Sitemap - 2024 - Living (and loving) Life

Time-lapse video: The incredible natural beauty of Canada

Video: Watch lightning strike in super-slow motion

When you help someone, you make two lives just a little better

How to get a copy of your credit report for free

Reminder: Not everything you see or read on the Internet is true

Guess what? A day on Venus is longer than a year

Video: Winter Wonderland in the Lofoten Islands of Norway

Is the path you're on leading you to happiness?

How do clouds float in the air when they’re full of water?

5 tips for preventing identity theft

Ever wonder how mountain goats seemingly defy gravity?

Awesome timelapse video: Starscapes

The awesome value of time

Be the light that helps others see

How many of these things from the 70s can you remember?

The starting point for your future is right now

Technology is wonderful, but be careful how you use it

Want to succeed in life? Pay attention to life's best teacher

The top 25 places to visit in the USA

Q&A: Why is metal always cooler than wood?

6 tips for shopping for healthy food items

Don’t let self-doubts limit your potential for success

Are you legally required to show your receipt as you’re exiting a store?

The incredible things we take for granted...

Q&A: Why do today's vehicles have a useless 'Check Engine' light instead of gauges?

There were over 9,000 Blockbuster Video stores in 2010. Today there is only one.

Did you know you can you tell whether running water is hot or cold simply by listening to it?

Q&A: Am I the only one that hates microfiber towels?

Own a gold bar? Congrats, you're now a millionaire.

How to easily lower your electric bill by up to 70%

When shopping for tools, the kit with the most 'pieces' might not be the best deal

Tires are expensive. Here are 4 tips for making yours last as long as possible

Reminder: Not every item at the Dollar Tree is really a bargain

Did you know it actually snows in...Hawaii?

In a hurry? Park near the closest shopping cart return

Buying event tickets for a group? Don't reserve all the seats on the same row

Check out these really weird names of real places

Guess what? The 'twinkling' stars in the night sky aren't really twinkling at all

Q&A: Is Colonial Penn life insurance a scam?

Q&A: Why don't car insurance premiums go down as the car depreciates?

This simple tip will save you time, money and freezer space

This simple lifestyle change can help you live a longer, healthier life

How to save big by doing your own appliance repairs

Did you know the first ambulance services were provided by funeral homes?

Fun with Math: 17 horses, a pony and a will

Trust, but verify...

Did you know giants really do exist?

Don't let perfection become the enemy of success

We all make mistakes. It pays to make good use of them

You're 11 times more likely to get struck by lightning than win the lottery, but...

How to save a portion of every paycheck without even missing it

Never Broken: The Navajo Code Talkers

Do you really need to pay to insure your car? Maybe not.

7 tips for saving gas on a long road trip

Did you know babies born at the same exact time can have different birthdays?

9 super-important things I learned while watching HGTV

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the same day - exactly 50 years after the Declaration of Independence was adopted

This tiny country speaks more languages than any other country on Earth

Bananas are berries, but strawberries aren't? Are you kidding me?

These two items belong in every house (and every automobile too)

The power of 'Swinging for the Fences'

Do you know the differences between a graveyard and a cemetery?

Why looking down can help lower your grocery bill

Q&A: Why did they use to add lead to paint?

How to prevent your car’s headlights from clouding up and turning yellow

Q&A: Why do 'Buffalo Wings' come from chickens?

Did you know pure water doesn't conduct electricity?

Heads-Up: 'Free Trial' offers can cost you dearly if you aren’t careful.

In memory of my friend Charles: "The King of the Hill"

How to give yourself a big discount on a Sam's Club membership

Google was once for sale for $750,000 – and the offer was refused

How 'Shrinkflation' is sneakily inflating your grocery bill

Why it (sometimes) pays to leverage criticism into a positive learning experience

The precious gift of "Today"

Did you know every snake in Tasmania is venomous?

Why I never put much trust in a first impression

Did you know 'Total Recall' really is a thing?

The power of the first step

Q&A: Why are Mac computers never referred to as PCs?

This one simple tip reduces your risk of being in an auto accident

Traveling with cash? Exchange your stack of small bills for just a few larger ones

Remembering Katherine Johnson: The ‘computer who wore a skirt’

Life tip: Always call your mom on your birthday!

Why Fall is the best time to buy a new lawn mower

Courage isn’t the absence of fear (and that’s a good thing)

Why astronomers measure distances using a term that’s related to time

Life is but a vapor. Make every day count.

Do this when you get a customer service rep you can't understand

Why you should memorize the phone numbers of your emergency contacts

“Waiting for ships that don’t come in…”

The life best lived, is your own.

Guess what? Eating a Poppy Seed Bagel really can cause you to fail a drug test.

Use a Dry Erase Marker to write notes right on your refrigerator

Drinking alcohol doesn’t protect against hypothermia. It actually increases the danger.

Planning to join the military and attend college after you get out? Here's another (and possibly better) option.

Why it's best to initially ask for small portions when someone invites you over for dinner

Looking for a safe place to park your car in an unfamiliar place? Find the nearest bank!

How to easily prevent snow from sticking to your snow shovel

“For the love of the game…”

Does hot water really freeze faster than cold water?

Why you should ignore the prorated warranty coverage when shopping for a new car battery

Why some bricks have holes in them but others don't

Ever wonder why some people end up being miserable after they retire?

Life tip: Never allow yourself to lose the desire to learn

Planning a road trip? Take along a wide mouth water bottle filled with ice

2 easy ways to prevent auto-flushing toilets from flushing prematurely

How to easily add a thermostat to any fan (without doing any electrical wiring)

How you can change one dog's life for the better

Why is the U.S. Capitol located on the east coast?

Want to add an extra dimension to your life? Learn to enjoy reading.

The greatest gift I ever received from my dad

Change two lives by adopting a shelter pet

Helping others is a great way to help yourself

Levi Strauss built his fortune during the California Gold Rush – but not by mining gold

The power of learning (from the mistakes of others)

Why we no longer use bills larger than $100 in the U.S.

Guess what? You're constantly moving (and really, really fast)!

Modern cars sustain more damage in accidents than older cars (and that's actually a great thing)

It's never too late to start making up for lost time

Warning: Some coupons will actually cause you to pay more

Guess what? Earth isn’t the only planet that has Auroras.

Time is both precious and fleeting. Use it wisely.

Failure is inevitable. Take advantage of it.

Q&A: Why don't planes crash when they get struck by lightning?

Why we Americans celebrate Independence Day

“Duty, Honor, Country”