I learned at a very young age that life is a wonderful and precious gift. My goal with this newsletter is to help you and the people you love get the most out of it.

We’re only blessed with one life on this planet and I believe it’s important to make each and every life the very best that it can be.

A little kindness, compassion, humor and inspiration can help lift us all and make our days a little better, for both the givers and the recipients. Hopefully, the posts you'll read and the videos you’ll see here will be a help and a blessing to you and your family.

If you like what you see, please feel free to subscribe to receive my daily tips, musings and uplifting messages.

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Subscribe to Living (and loving) Life

Life is a wonderful and precious gift. My goal with this daily newsletter is to help you and the people you love get the most out of it. Subscribe for daily tips, musings and stories of inspiration.