Do you ever have great ideas pop into your head and tell yourself that you’ll follow up on them later, only to forget what they were before you have the opportunity to put them into action?
Yeah, me too.
Now don’t get me wrong - my memory is like a steel trap. The problem is it’s several decades old, and extremely rusty.
Back in my youth I could remember even the smallest details of any event for years on end. And even now I can go into great detail about the things we did on a warm and sunny September afternoon in kindergarten class.
But ask me what I did last Tuesday and I’ll likely come up blank.
If your memory is like mine I have a tip that can help: Keep a pen in your pocket and immediately write down every great idea you have just as soon as it pops into your head, even if you’re lying in bed at 3 AM or walking your dog at the park.
Along with the pen you can also carry a small notepad if you want, but if you’d rather not bother with the notepad you will almost always be able to find a scrap of paper to write on.
Truth be told, I’ve written random thoughts on everything ranging from an old receipt I pulled out of my wallet to an empty pizza box. And I even once wrote a really insightful idea on a square of toilet paper (don’t worry, I’ll spare you the details).
I hate to think how many great novels or how many awesome songs were never written simply because someone let a great idea slip away into the ether simply because they failed to write it down.
Bottom line: If something great pops into your head, write it down - right then - every time. Once you develop that habit you’ll never come to regret it.
Speaking of memory, did you know there are actually people who never forget anything - as in they can remember every little detail of their entire life?
Well, it’s true. Total Recall (aka hyperthymesia) is definitely a thing. Check out this fantastic short video…
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